Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana

The functions of the Department are:-

  • To monitor the atmospheric and water resources in Guyana and its exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
  • To collect, process, archive and make available data and information on weather, climate, hydrology and oceanography.
  • To coordinate Hydrometeorological activities of the Government of Guyana.
  • To establish and maintain networks of climatic, synoptic and water monitoring stations in Guyana and its EEZ.
  • To routinely provide the governmental and non governmental agencies with information on composition of the atmosphere, quantity and quality of surface and ground water and sea surface temperature, waves, swells, ocean currents and other parameters.
  • To work along with other agencies in promoting environmentally sound economic and social activities.
  • To conduct research and systematic monitoring of activities in furtherance of Guyana’s commitments under international related conventions.
  • To promote public awareness of the atmospheric and water resources of Guyana and their importance to the Socio-economic development of Guyanese.
  • To advise the Minister on matters of general policy relating to the hydrological, meteorological and oceanographic aspects of the atmosphere and water resources in Guyana and its EEZ.
  • To perform such other functions pertaining to the monitoring of the atmospheric and water resources of Guyana and its EEZ as may be assigned by the Minister or under any enactment.

The Hydrometeorological Service provides useful outputs to varied users; top of the list being the agriculture, education & aviation sectors. It also contributes to the World Weather Watch (WWW) and World Climate Programmes. Activities such climate and weather forecasts, monitoring the water resources, provided high tide alerts, daily weather forecasts, etc. are disseminated via radio, television, through newspapers, bulletins and facsimile.

The Hydrometeorological Service is also link with two regional institutions viz.-

and one international organisation:

  • the World Meteorological Organisation (, a UN agency that co-ordinates global activity related to weather, water and climate.

It also relates to the International Civil Aviation Organisation ( on matters relating to operational meteorology for aviation. Local weather and monthly climatology were also exchanged for international consumption and aviation on the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) and the AFTN world networks co-ordinated by the World Meteorological Organization, and the ICAO.

In addition, the Hydromet Service is the focal point for the National Ozone Action Unit (NOAU).